paroles de chanson / Lea Salonga parole / Lea Salonga lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Lea Salonga

Interprète Lea Salonga

Paroles de la chanson Lea Salonga par Lea Salonga lyrics officiel

Lea Salonga est une chanson en Anglais

There are nights when I can't help but cry
And I wonder why you had to leave me

Why did it have to end so soon
When you said that you would never leave me

Tell me where did I go wrong
What did I do to make you change
Your mind completely

When I thought this love would never end
But if this love's not ours to have
I'll let it go with your goodbye

Oh, why did it have to end so soon
When you said that you would never leave me

Tell me where did I go wrong
What did I do to make you change
Your mind completely when I thought
This love would never end
But if this love's not ours to have
I'll let it go with your goodbye

Oh, tell me where did I go wrong
What did I do to make you change
Your mind completely

When I thought this love would never end
But if this love's not ours to have
I'll let it go with your goodbye
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