paroles de chanson / Lenny Kravitz parole / Is It Me, Is It You? lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Is It Me, Is It You?

Interprète Lenny Kravitz

Paroles de la chanson Is It Me, Is It You? par Lenny Kravitz lyrics officiel

Is It Me, Is It You? est une chanson en Anglais

And so there comes a time,
We must both make up our minds,
Is our angel singing true,
Is it me is it you ?

I just got to know it now,
Rode somewhere, some place, somehow
Is our love as deep as blue
Is it me is it you ?
Is it me is it you ?

I'm lost in your love
Don't think I ever stopped
I got the feeling that's the reason why
And the question's loud and clear
Should we stay or should we bend
It just gets deeper in the end
I know you want to know it too
Is it me is it you ?
Is it me is it you ?
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