paroles de chanson / Lenny Kravitz parole / Ooh Baby Baby lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Ooh Baby Baby

Interprète Lenny Kravitz

Paroles de la chanson Ooh Baby Baby par Lenny Kravitz lyrics officiel

Ooh Baby Baby est une chanson en Anglais

I did you wrong my heart went out to play
But in the game, I lost you
What a price to pay

I'm crying ooh
Baby, baby ooh
Baby, baby mistakes
I know I've made a few but I'm only human
You've made mistakes too

Yeah, I'm crying ooh
Baby, baby ooh
Baby, baby

I'm just about at the end of my rope
But I can't stop trying i can't give up hope

'Cause I feel one day
That I'll hold you near
Whisper "I still love you"
Until that day is here

Oh, I'm crying ooh
Baby, baby ooh
Baby, baby ooh
Baby, baby ooh
Baby, baby

Baby, baby ooh
Baby, baby ooh
My baby, baby

I wanna be by your side, yeah
I'll never leave you never leave you, girl

Ooh baby, baby
Ooh baby, baby, girl

Ooh baby, baby
Ooh baby, baby
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