paroles de chanson / Lenny Kravitz parole / What the ....Are We Saying? lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de What the ....Are We Saying?

Interprètes Lenny KravitzMick Jagger

Paroles de la chanson What the ....Are We Saying? par Lenny Kravitz lyrics officiel

What the ....Are We Saying? est une chanson en Anglais

Will we ever understand ?
Or is the fate of man at hands ?
Will we live or shall we die ?
How will we ever know if we never try ?

The government's the devil's hands
It's a lie and it's a scam
They wind us up, put us down, and watch us go
And if you close your eyes
There's a big surprise

What the f*** are we saying ?
Do we feel what we dream about ?
We've got to keep on praying
And one day we'll see the light

I've been lost in the name of love
And we kill our brothers daily in the name of God
We'd better chill before we take on some tribulation
And if we realized
Then we'd make a little love now sing

What the f*** are we saying ?
Do we believe what we read about ?
We've got to keep on praying
And one day we'll see the light
And one day we'll see the light
And one day we'll see the light
And one day we'll see the light

What the f*** are we saying ?
Do we believe what we dream about ?
We've got to keep on praying
And one day we'll see the light
And one day we'll see the light
And one day we'll see the light
And one day we'll see the light
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Copyright: BMG Rights Management

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