paroles de chanson / Liv East parole / Freak lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Freak

Interprète Liv East

Paroles de la chanson Freak par Liv East lyrics officiel

Freak est une chanson en Anglais

Freak in the evening, just like me.
Freak in the morning, just like me.
I need a freak in the evening, freak in the morning, just like me.
Boy you’re moving kinda slow, gotta keep it up now there you go.
Packing all the flavours...the dog in me.
Boy you’re moving kinda slow, gotta keep it up now there you go
Packing all the flavours you need (I’m the kinda girl)
Just like...freak in the eve.
Shook up on your..gotta keep it up now
Keep it up...gotta keep it up now there you go.
I’m the kinda girl, just like, now there you go.
Just like, now there you go.
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