paroles de chanson / Louis Armstrong parole / Rock My Soul lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Rock My Soul

Interprète Louis Armstrong

Paroles de la chanson Rock My Soul par Louis Armstrong lyrics officiel

Rock My Soul est une chanson en Anglais

Why don't you rock my soul?
(In the bosom of Abraham)
Why don't you rock my soul?
(In the bosom of Abraham)

Why don't you rock my soul?
(In the bosom of Abraham)
Oh, rock my soul

I would not be a sinner
I'm tellin' you the reason why
I'm afraid my Lord might call me
Great God, and I wouldn't be ready to die

Hmm, baby, won't you rock my soul?
(In the bosom of Abraham)
Why don't you rock my soul?
(In the bosom of Abraham)

Why don't you rock my soul?
(In the bosom of Abraham)
Oh, rock my soul

I would not be a liar
I'm tellin' you the reason why
I'm afraid my Lord might call me
Great God, and I wouldn't be ready to die

Hmm, baby, won't you rock my soul?
(In the bosom of Abraham)
Why don't you rock my soul?
(In the bosom of Abraham)

Why don't you rock my soul?
(In the bosom of Abraham)
Oh, rock my soul

I would not be a back biter
I'm tellin' you the reason why
I'm afraid my Lord might call me
Great God, and I wouldn't be ready to die

Hmm, baby, won't rock my soul?
(In the bosom of Abraham)
Why don't you rock my soul?
(In the bosom of Abraham)

Why don't you rock my soul?
(In the bosom of Abraham)
Oh, rock my soul
Rock my soul, rock my soul
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Auteur: Richard Huey
Copyright: Universal Music Publishing Group

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