paroles de chanson / Marilyn Manson parole / Just a Car Crash Away lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Just a Car Crash Away

Interprète Marilyn Manson

Paroles de la chanson Just a Car Crash Away par Marilyn Manson lyrics officiel

Just a Car Crash Away est une chanson en Anglais

Love is a fire.
Burns down all that it sees.
Burns down everything.
Everything you think
Burns down
Everything you say.

She blew me her death-kiss
And the mouth-marks
Bled down my eye,
Like her dying
On my windshield.
I can already feel
Her worms
Eating my spine.
So how can it be this lonely?
Is this all we get
For our lives?
Is love only sweeter when
One of dies?

Then I knew that our love was
Just a car crash away.
I knew that our love was just a car crash away.
I knew that our love was
Just a car crash away.
I knew that our love was
Just a car crash away.

Love is a fire.
Burns down all that it sees.
Burns down everything.
Everything you think
Burns Down
Everything you say [Repeat x3]

Love is a fire.
Burns down all that it sees.
Burns down everything.
Everything you think
Burns Down
Everything you say.

I knew that our love was
Just a

I knew that our love was
Just a

Love is a fire.
Burns down all that it sees.
Burns down everything.
Everything you think
Burns Down
Everything you say.

Love is a fire.
Burns down all that it sees.
Burns down everything.
Everything you think
Burns Down
Everything you say.
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Copyright: CONCORD MUSIC PUBLISHING LLC, Peermusic Publishing

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