paroles de chanson / Max McNown parole / You and the Pines lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de You and the Pines

Interprète Max McNown

Paroles de la chanson You and the Pines par Max McNown lyrics officiel

You and the Pines est une chanson en Anglais

The Hollywood hills weren't made for someone like me
The banks and the rivers were always more of my speed
Time has passed slowly since the day that I ran away
And the more that I picture your smile I see my mistake

You and the Pines
Are loving longing waiting
Grinning with your arms out under
Grey skies
Masking all the pain inside and
Knowing that you're desperate to be saved

Loved every moment I spent just being with you
But lonely took hold and I did what I'd never do
Time has passed slowly since the day that I ran away
And the more that I picture your face I see my mistake

You and the Pines
Are loving longing waiting
Grinning with your arms out under
Grey skies
Masking all the pain inside and
Knowing that you're desperate to be saved

Time has passed slowly since the day that I ran away
And the more that I picture your smile I see my mistake
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Auteur: Max McNown

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