paroles de chanson / Moriarty parole / Moonshiner lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Moonshiner

Interprète Moriarty

Paroles de la chanson Moonshiner par Moriarty lyrics officiel

Moonshiner est une chanson en Anglais

I've been a moonshiner,
For seventeen long years,
I've spent all my money,
On whiskey and beer,
I go to some hollow,
And sit at my still
And if whiskey don't kill me,
Then I don't know what will,

I go to some bar room,
And drink with my friends,
Where the women can't follow,
And see what I spend,
God bless them pretty women,
I wish they was mine,
Their breath is as sweet as,
The dew on the vine,

Let me eat when I am hungry,
Let me drink when I am dry,
A dollar when I am hard up,
Religion when I die,
The whole world's a bottle,
And life's but a dram,
When the bottle gets empty,
It sure ain't worth a damn.
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