paroles de chanson / Ned Gee parole / Paint the town red lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Paint the town red

Interprètes Ned GeeColorit

Paroles de la chanson Paint the town red par Ned Gee lyrics officiel

Paint the town red est une chanson en Anglais

Mm, she the devil
She a bad lil' bitch, she a rebel
She put her foot to the pedal
It'll take a whole lot for me to settle

Mm, she the devil
She a bad lil' bitch, she a rebel
She put her foot to the pedal
It'll take a whole lot for me to settle

Yeah I said she divine
U know I’m holding back
But she blowing up my mind

Meet me back in five
You know it’s all your bad
That I’m falling up so high

You know that
I’m hoping
That we never lose this love
Don’t forget
I will wait here forever
I swear
I’ve never met someone that bad
I’m pulling up I’m on my way
I love when she screams my name

Mm, she the devil
She a bad lil' bitch, she a rebel
She put her foot to the pedal
It'll take a whole lot for me to settle

Mm, she the devil
She a bad lil' bitch, she a rebel
She put her foot to the pedal
It'll take a whole lot for me to settle

Come on
you know
I want to be your lover
Hold on
We fall
I promise it’s not over

Come on
you know
I want to be your lover
Hold on
We fall
I promise it’s not over
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