paroles de chanson / NoFX parole / The Plan lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de The Plan

Interprète NoFX

Paroles de la chanson The Plan par NoFX lyrics officiel

The Plan est une chanson en Anglais

Call it libertarian cause we do as we please
Don't need fear or force or farce to know morality
'Cause morals aren't a substance you can shove in someone's ear
They're basically a bi-product of a mind thinking clear

It's nothing like the Bible there's no lesson to be learned
It's not the 10 commandments cause nothing's written in stone
It has to do with freedom + personal liberty
I don't fuck wit you don't fuck wit me

The blueprints of a better world
Were written on a postage stamp
No-one bothered to read the front
Stick out their tongue to lick the back

If you're not part of the cure you're part of the disease
Father time will tell us who concedes

The blueprints of a better world
Disguised and reveled as fortunes 10 000 Chinese
Restaurants customers prefer not to read it
When they're taught don't think just eat it
A turning point we call the plan
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Copyright: Wixen Music Publishing

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