paroles de chanson / No Fun At All parole / Don't Know Nothing lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Don't Know Nothing

Interprète No Fun At All

Paroles de la chanson Don't Know Nothing par No Fun At All lyrics officiel

Don't Know Nothing est une chanson en Anglais

I never let off something, leaving something cause I know
It's a waste of my time
I never listen to the things you say because I know
It's a waste of my time

Cause I don't know nothing and I'm happy as I am
Don't know nothing and I never gave a damn, don't know nothing, it's an easy way to live
Don't know nothing and I never gonna give anybody anything

I never understand the way my mind is operating
Am I wasting your time?
You really would be better off if you would pack and leave me
I am wasting your time

Cause I don't know nothing and I'm happy as I am
Don't know nothing and I never gave a damn, don't know nothing, it's an easy way to live
Don't know nothing and I never gonna give anybody anything

Don't know nothing and I'm happy as I am
Don't know nothing and I never gave a damn, don't know nothing, it's an easy way to live
Don't know nothing and I never gonna give anybody, anybody, anybody anything
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