paroles de chanson / Patrick Watson parole / Strange Crooked Road lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Strange Crooked Road

Interprète Patrick Watson

Paroles de la chanson Strange Crooked Road par Patrick Watson lyrics officiel

Strange Crooked Road est une chanson en Anglais

There was a woman who sowed her man to the bed
Took a baseball bat so she could talk to him instead
Well, it didn't take too long
So he would never
Hurt her again

Roland had a dream of making big news
Bought a stick of dynamite and he lit the fuse
And on his CB radio
Told his friends it was time to go

He made the front page the very next day

There was a boy called little Jesu
Couldn't move his hands or feet or talk back to you
Just sat there sleeping awake
And everybody in the town would drop by
And fill his ears with the things that were bringing them down
Said he was the best listener in town

Sometimes it takes us by surprise
When it's a strange crooked road

Sometimes it takes us way too long
When it's a strange crooked road

You woke up this morning asking what's going down
Wondered if your feet would do any good to the ground
But under your pillows
Stories that keep us from getting cold

And out of the desert came the messenger man
A million words and a cigar in his hands
Told me if I talked to the sky
He would give us this song

'Cause it's a strange crooked road

Sometimes it takes us by surprise
When it's a strange crooked road
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Auteurs: Mikhail Stein, Patrick Watson, Robert Kuster, Simon T Angell
Copyright: Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada (SOCAN)

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