paroles de chanson / Phinéas Et Ferb parole / Theme Song lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Theme Song

Interprète Phinéas Et Ferb

Paroles de la chanson Theme Song par Phinéas Et Ferb lyrics

Theme Song est une chanson en Anglais

There's a hundred and four days of summer vaction and school comes along just to end it so the anual problem for our jeneration is finding a good way to spend it LIKE MAYBE! building a rocket or fighting a mummy or climbing up the ifal tower discovering some thing that doesn't exist or giving a monkey a shower sliping tidle waves creating nanobots or locating frankienstiens brain finding a dodo bird making a cotton thump or driving thier sister insane! as you can see there's a whole lot of stuff to do befor school starts this fall so stick with us cause' Phineas and ferb are gonna do it all so stick with us cause' Phineas and ferb are gonna do it all! (mom! phineas and ferb are making a title sequence!)
Crédits parole :
paroles ajoutées par mathias_m

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