paroles de chanson / Platon Karataev parole / Disguise lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Disguise

Interprète Platon Karataev

Paroles de la chanson Disguise par Platon Karataev lyrics officiel

Disguise est une chanson en Anglais

I’ll try to fly so high
That you can find me
if you want to

I’m wearing your favourite clothes now
so please look at me
please look at me

I am not planning to go now
so please talk to me
and I will tell you

This is just a disguise
I’ve always lived inside
I am full of yellowness
’cause I was never enough

We should go into the mountains
and have a log house
near the forest

We should count every trees there
and be together
walking among them

This is just a disguise
I’ve always lived inside
I am full of yellowness
’cause I was never enough
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