paroles de chanson / Platon Karataev parole / Lady Macbeth lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Lady Macbeth

Interprète Platon Karataev

Paroles de la chanson Lady Macbeth par Platon Karataev lyrics officiel

Lady Macbeth est une chanson en Anglais

Oh, those days, oh those days won’t come back
‘cause your mother’s tounge’s around your neck
It chokes you dear, it softly chokes you
And it shows you the wrong view

She poured her black spirit in your ears
Her poisonous words darkened your mind
I’m not like your father, I’m not a beast
Darling, you can’t be so blind

And now, I can see why you flee
But it isn’t me, the enemy
I’ll scream until time grows a thick bark on my soul
Who could give us back the love that your mother once stole

What should I do with my growing rage
My wrath’s swelling since our love is gone
And you did not only lose who I am now
But also who I will become

But it isn’t me, the enemy
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