paroles de chanson / Platon Karataev parole / Mayfly Song lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Mayfly Song

Interprète Platon Karataev

Paroles de la chanson Mayfly Song par Platon Karataev lyrics officiel

Mayfly Song est une chanson en Anglais

Look at the Sun,
Look how it runs
It bounces from east to west to its’ rest with pure joy in the sea
Big rainbows stick on its’ underfeet.

Look at the Sun,
It has found the one,
It takes off winter, the snow-white bridal veil from Spring
Gives to her the evergreen wedding ring

I wish we were mayflies
I wish we were mayflies
Our whole life would be a carefree nuptial, a day we spend in love
While the blonde Sun laughs at us from above.

I've seen in your eyes our kiss from the dawning
Till the end of the day then we greet the new morning
Our soft bodies burst into flames then flowers
In these lovely daybreak hours
And as you lay calm on my chest
My fingers are fondling your breast
As you lay calm on my chest
I know that you’re the one the best
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