paroles de chanson / Polar Inc. parole / Eyes off You lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Eyes off You

Interprète Polar Inc.

Paroles de la chanson Eyes off You par Polar Inc. lyrics officiel

Eyes off You est une chanson en Anglais

All this time
Thought you knew
In the silence
I’m drawn to you
I could watch you all night
No stars in the sky
Don’t make me take my eyes off you
You could take me any place
With you I’d wanna stay
Don’t wanna take my eyes off you
Don’t wanna take my eyes off you
Don’t wanna take my eyes off you

What would you say about forever
I know I’ve never said it before
Would you wanna get to know me better
Take it slow got all the time in the world

All this time
Thought you knew
In the silence
I’m drawn to you
I could watch you all night
No stars in the sky
Don’t make me take my eyes off you
You could take me any place
With you I’d wanna stay
Don’t wanna take my eyes off you
Don’t wanna take my eyes off you
Don’t wanna take my eyes off you

Don’t wanna take my eyes off you
Don’t wanna take my eyes off you

What would you say about forever
I know I’ve never said it before
Would you wanna get to know me better
Take it slow got all the time in the world
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