paroles de chanson / Pow Wow parole / Louie Louie lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Louie Louie

Interprète Pow Wow

Paroles de la chanson Louie Louie par Pow Wow lyrics officiel

Louie Louie est une chanson en Anglais

Louie, Louie Oh oh
We gotta go
Louie, Louie oh
We gotta go

A fine little girl she waits for me
Catch a ship across the sea
Sail that ship all alone
Never know how I'll make it home

Louie, Louie Oh oh
We gotta go Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Louie, Louie oh
We gotta go

Night and day we sail the sea
Me think of girl constantly
On the ship I dream she there
I smell the rose in her hair

Louie, Louie Oh oh
We gotta go Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Louie, Louie oh
We gotta go

Me see Jamaica the moon above
It won't be long me see my love
To take her in my arms again
I'll tell her I'll never leave her here

Louie, Louie Oh oh
We gotta go Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Louie, Louie oh
We gotta go
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