paroles de chanson / RBD parole / I Wanna Be The Rain lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de I Wanna Be The Rain

Interprète RBD

Paroles de la chanson I Wanna Be The Rain par RBD lyrics officiel

I Wanna Be The Rain est une chanson en Espagnol

It's not enough to be the one who holds you
It's not enough to be the one you're close to
I want to be so much more
The love that you are living for
The air you breathe
I wanna be everything that touches you everything

I wanna be the rain that falls on you
Washes away the pain
I wanna be the sun that shines on you
Warms your world each day
I wanna be the sky that holds the stars for you
So you never lose your way
I wanna be the wind that kisses your face
I wanna be the rain

It's not enough for me to be around you
I wanna be everything that surrounds you
The sunlight upon your skin
Each breath that you're breathing in
Or that you need
I wanna be everything that touches you everyday

I wanna be the rain that falls on you
Washes away your pain
I wanna be the sun that shines on you
Warms your world each day
I wanna be the sky that holds the stars for you
So you never lose your way
I wanna be the wind that kisses your face
I wanna be the rain

And even in your sleep, where you are dreaming
I wanna be the only thing you see
Won't you be there? In everything?

I wanna be the rain that falls on you
Washes away your pain
I wanna be the sun that shines on you
Warms your world each day
I wanna be the sky that holds the stars for you
So you never lose your way
I wanna be the wind that kisses your face
I wanna be the rain
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Auteur: Diane Warren
Copyright: Realsongs, Warner Chappell Music, Inc.

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