paroles de chanson / Raef parole / The Bright Moon (Tala'al Badru) lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de The Bright Moon (Tala'al Badru)

Interprète Raef

Paroles de la chanson The Bright Moon (Tala'al Badru) par Raef lyrics officiel

The Bright Moon (Tala'al Badru) est une chanson en Anglais

Tala'al badru alayna
Min thaniyyatil wada'
Wajaba shukru alayna
Ma da'a lillahi daa'
Ma da'a lillahi daa'

Oh the bright moon rose over us
from the valley of Wada'
And we owe it to show all our gratefulness
when the call is for us all!
when the call is for us all!

Ayyuhal mab'uthu feena
Ji'ta bil amril mutaa'
Ji'ta sharraftal madinah
Marhaban ya khaira daa'
Marhaban ya khaira daa'

Anta shamsun anta qamarun
Anta nourun ala nour
Anta misbahu suduri
Ya habibi ya Rasul
Ya habibi ya Rasul

Tala'al badru alayna
Min thaniyyatil wada'
You have brought to this city nobleness
Welcome best caller to the way!
Welcome best caller to the way!
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