paroles de chanson / Rie Fu parole / Vintage Denim lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Vintage Denim

Interprète Rie Fu

Paroles de la chanson Vintage Denim par Rie Fu lyrics officiel

Vintage Denim est une chanson en Japonais

Wrapped in curtains
I still feel the morning sound
Don't miss it don't diss it
I'll be waiting count it or
I must go crazy
Oh silence bring my soul up here
Bring me up
When there's nothing near
Tired of saviours
That are not real
In a way that you hold
Way that you hold me away

Big ben it's gotta
Light so tenderly
And this city is
Warm as it's supposed to be
Listening to coldplay
On the northern line
Don't miss it don't diss it
I'll be waiting count it or
I must go crazy
Oh silence bring my soul up here
Bring me up
When there's nothing near
Tired of saviours
That are not real
In a way that you hold
Way that you hold me away

Oh silence bring my soul up here
Bring me up
When there's nothing near
Tired of saviours
That are not real
In a way that you hold
Way that you hold me away
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