paroles de chanson / Ron and the Rude Boys parole / Barnacle Bill the Sailor lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Barnacle Bill the Sailor

Interprète Ron and the Rude Boys

Paroles de la chanson Barnacle Bill the Sailor par Ron and the Rude Boys lyrics officiel

Barnacle Bill the Sailor est une chanson en Anglais

Who's that knocking on my door ? (3 times)
Cried the fair young maiden.
It's only me from over the sea said Barnacle Bill the Sailor. (twice)

Why do you knock on my door ? (3 times)
Cried the fair young maiden.
I'm young enough and ready and tough,
Cried Barnacle Bill the Sailor. (twice)

I'll come down and let you in (3 times)
Cried the fair young maiden.
Come open this door, I've been here before,
Cried Barnacle Bill the Sailor. (twice)

You may sleep upon the floor (3 times)
Cried the fair young maiden.
Oh bugger the floor you dirty old whore,
Cried Barnacle Bill the Sailor. (twice)

You may sleep upon the mat (3 times)
Cried the fair young maiden.
Oh bugger the mat you can't fuck that,
Cried Barnacle Bill the Sailor. (twice)

You may sleep upon the stairs (3 times)
Cried the fair young maiden.
Oh bugger the stairs they haven't got hairs,
Cried Barnacle Bill the Sailor. (twice)

You can sleep between my tits (3 times)
Cried the fair young maiden.
Oh bugger your tits they give me the shits,
Cried Barnacle Bill the Sailor. (twice)

You can sleep between my thighs (3 times)
Cried the fair young maiden.
Oh bugger your thighs they're covered in flies,
Cried Barnacle Bill the Sailor. _(twice)

You can sleep within my cunt (3 times)
Cried the fair young maiden.
Oh bugger your cunt I'll fuck for a stunt,
Cried Barnacle Bill the Sailor. (twice)

What if there's a baby born (3 times)
Cried the fair young maiden.
We'll drown the bugger and fuck for another,
Cried Barnacle Bill the Sailor. (twice)
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