paroles de chanson / Ron and the Rude Boys parole / Four Old Whores lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Four Old Whores

Interprète Ron and the Rude Boys

Paroles de la chanson Four Old Whores par Ron and the Rude Boys lyrics officiel

Four Old Whores est une chanson en Anglais

There were four old whores of Baltimore,
Drinking beer and wine,
The topic of conversation was, "Mine is bigger than thine."

Chorus :
Roly Poly, tickle my holey, smell of of my slimey flue,
Then drag your nuts across my guts,
I'm one of the whorey crew.

The first old whore from Baltimore said,
"Mine's as big as the air,
The birds fly in, the birds fly out, and never tickle a hair."

The second old whore from Baltimore said,
"Mine's as big as the moon,
The men jump in, the men jump out,
And never touch the womb."

The third old whore from Baltimore said,
"Mine's as big as the sea,
The ships sail in, the ships sail out,
And leave their rigging free."

The fourth old whore from Baltimore said,
"Mine's the biggest of all,
The sun could set in the crack of my arse,
Not singeing a hair at all."
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