paroles de chanson / Ron and the Rude Boys parole / I Don't Want to Join the Army lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de I Don't Want to Join the Army

Interprète Ron and the Rude Boys

Paroles de la chanson I Don't Want to Join the Army par Ron and the Rude Boys lyrics officiel

I Don't Want to Join the Army est une chanson en Anglais

I don't want to join the Army, I don't want to go to war,
I'd rather hang around Picadilly underground,
Living off the earnings of a high born lady.
Don't want a bayonet up my arsehole,
I don't want my bollocks shot away,
I rather stay in England, merry, merry England,
And fornicate my fucking life away, Gorblimey.

Chorus :
Call out the buggers of the Queen's Marines,
Call out the Artillery,
Call out my mother, my sister and my brother,
But for fuck's sake don't call me.

I don't want to be a soldier, don't want to be a man of Mars,
I wanna to go down to old Soho,
Shagging all the girlies who are ready and willing.
I don't need no foreign women,
London's full of girls I never had,
I'd rather stay in England, merry, merry England,
Following in the steps of my old Dad, Gorblimey.

On Monday I touched her on the ankle,
On Tuesday I touched her on the knee,
On Wednesday with SUCCESS ! I lifted up her dress,
On Thursday night we went to the pictures,
Friday I got my hand upon it,
On Saturday she gave my balls a tweak,
But on Sunday after supper, I stuffed the fucker up her,
And now I'm paying seven and six a week, Gorblimey.
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