paroles de chanson / Ron and the Rude Boys parole / John Brown's Prick lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de John Brown's Prick

Interprète Ron and the Rude Boys

Paroles de la chanson John Brown's Prick par Ron and the Rude Boys lyrics officiel

John Brown's Prick est une chanson en Anglais

John Brown's prick was a f*cking awful sight,
Mucked about with gonorrhoea and buggered up with shite,
The agonies of syphilis kept him awake all night,
But he still went rogering along.

Oh the hoary old seducer
Oh the hoary old seducer
Oh the hoary old seducer
He still went rogering along

The colour of his water was a sort of orange-ade,
Little gonorrhoea germs within his scrotum played,
In spite of inconveniences, he went on undismayed,
Yes he still went rogering along.

Girls would come from miles around to see his Baronial Hall,
To see his giant prick and his one remaining ball,
And see the rows of maidenheads all hung around the wall,
But he still went rogering along.
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