paroles de chanson / Ron and the Rude Boys parole / Us Devon Boys lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Us Devon Boys

Interprète Ron and the Rude Boys

Paroles de la chanson Us Devon Boys par Ron and the Rude Boys lyrics officiel

Us Devon Boys est une chanson en Anglais

Us Devon boys have hairy ears,
We piss through leather breeches,
We wipe our arse on broken glass, us hardy sons of bitches.

When cunt is rare we fuck a bear, we knife him if he snitches,
We knock our cocks against the rocks,
Us hardy sons of bitches.

We wipe our arse upon the grass, in bushes or in ditches,
Our two pound cocks are full of knots,
Us hardy sons of bitches.

Without remorse we fuck a horse, and beat him if he twitches,
Our two foot dicks are full of nicks, us hardy sons of bitches.

To make a mule stand for the tool,
We beat him with hickory switches,
We use our pricks for walking sticks, us hardy sons of bitches.

Great joy we reap from fucking sheep,
In barns or bogs or ditches,
Nor give a damn if it be a ram, us hardy sons of bitches.

We walk around, prick to the ground, and kick it if it itches,
And if it throbs, we scratch with cobs, us hardy sons of bitches.
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