paroles de chanson / Ron and the Rude Boys parole / We Wish You a Hump at Christmas lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de We Wish You a Hump at Christmas

Interprète Ron and the Rude Boys

Paroles de la chanson We Wish You a Hump at Christmas par Ron and the Rude Boys lyrics officiel

We Wish You a Hump at Christmas est une chanson en Anglais

We wish you a shag at Christmas,
We wish you a shag at Christmas,
We wish you a shag at Christmas, and all through the year.

Rubber johnies we bring to stuff up her quim,
We wish you a hump at Christmas and all through the year.

Now bring us some lusty women
Now bring us some lusty women
Now bring us some lusty women, and bring them out here.

For we all like a bit of poking,
For we all like a bit of poking,
For we all like a bit of poking, so bring them out here.

We won't go until we shag 'em,
We won't go until we shag 'em,
We won't go until we shag 'em, so bring them out here.

I likes it when she sucks it,
I likes it when she sucks it,
I likes it when she sucks it, so why not suck here.
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