paroles de chanson / Rone parole / Waves Of Devotion lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Waves Of Devotion

Interprètes RoneGeorgia

Paroles de la chanson Waves Of Devotion par Rone lyrics officiel

Waves Of Devotion est une chanson en Anglais

Have you swam so far
Far enough to breathe
Swim in the ocean
Kicking my feet in waves of devotion
Waves of devotion

Have you ever swam far
Far enough to breathe
Not some melted to dream
Based in reality
I saw a glimpse of hearts
Caught in seaweed
I notice now
Maybe we will never be

So do you want me
With the fire
I'll take you home
If you give me your devotion
Do you want the highs
With the lows
I will give you my heart
If you give me your devotion

I kept you in all my dreams
Loved you as hard as it seemed
Now I swim in the ocean
Kicking my feet in waves of devotion
I kept you with all my heart
And I loved you within my dreams
Now I swim in the ocean
Kicking my feet in waves of devotion

Waves of devotion
Waves of devotion
Waves of devotion

I kept you in all my dreams
Loved you as hard as it seems
Now I swim in the ocean
Kicking my feet in waves of devotion
I loved you with all my heart
Kept you in all my dreams
Now I swim in the ocean
Kicking my feet in waves of devotion

I kept you in all my dreams
Loved you as hard as it seems
Now I swim in the ocean
Kicking my feet in waves of devotion
I loved you with all my heart
Kept you in all my dreams
Now I swim in the ocean
Kicking my feet in waves of devotion

Waves of devotion
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Auteurs: Erwan Castex, Georgia Barnes

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