paroles de chanson / Say Anything parole / Every Man Has a Molly lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Every Man Has a Molly

Interprète Say Anything

Paroles de la chanson Every Man Has a Molly par Say Anything lyrics officiel

Every Man Has a Molly est une chanson en Anglais

Here I am, laid bare, at the end of my rope. I've lost all hope. So Long!
Molly Connolly just broke up with me over the revealing nature of the songs.
You goddamn kids had best be gracious with the merch money you spend
Because for you I won't ever have rough sex with Molly Connolly again.
Here I am, laid down, at the end of my rope, wishing I had not been born.
Now I've spewed too much. I can never shut it up. I thought you should be warned

And I implied black sky took the needle to my eye and sucked out all its glow,
But Molly Connolly ruined my life. I thought the world should know.
I can't stop thinking about what she did wrong to me.
I can't figure out just what I did wrong.
I'll kill myself thinking about the things that you did to me.
I'll kill myself! I'll kill myself! I'll kill myself
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Copyright: Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

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