paroles de chanson / Shaman's Harvest parole / Dragonfly lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Dragonfly

Interprète Shaman's Harvest

Paroles de la chanson Dragonfly par Shaman's Harvest lyrics officiel

Dragonfly est une chanson en Anglais

Maybe the sky is falling out around the babies
Maybe the world is gonna spin out of control
I don't care anymore
What if I quit today working for the man
Who said I have another, well maybe I can
'Cause it's all gonna end anyway
Tell me doctor what's the cure for the wicked mans blue

Fly dragonfly
Fly dragonfly
Fly dragonfly
Fly dragonfly

When the sky, falls to sea
I won't mind, the cause in me
When the wind, blows through the trees
I walk by the dragonfly
Fly dragonfly
Fly dragonfly

When I come, give me a beat
And take my advice, just let me be
When the moon turns black as night
We'll bathe in the light, oh dragonfly
Fly dragonfly
Don't take so long
I'll be here before you know
See you in my mind's eyes
Fly dragonfly
Fly dragonfly
Fly dragonfly

Fly dragonfly
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