paroles de chanson / Sliimy parole / Waiting For You lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Waiting For You

Interprète Sliimy

Paroles de la chanson Waiting For You par Sliimy lyrics officiel

Waiting For You est une chanson en Anglais

Do you remember when I last saw you, in the morning
You came around me like I could do something
Do you remember when you tried to despise me
I was waiting for you but you left me standing here

Remember when you were the first, now you come without words
Like it was normal, and you think you’re really special
But now I’m waiting for…

I’m waiting for someone! Who? But it’s not you
I’m waiting for, I’m waiting for someone! Who? But it’s not you
But I’m waiting for, I’m waiting for someone! Who? But it’s not you
When you come running back
My love goes out
And when love is all, me I’m alone
And I’m not waiting for you.

Do you remember last night I saw you in the street
I was waiting for my friends when you came up to me
Do you remember when you told me that I was stupid
Now I’m out of control at nine o’clock in the evening

Remember when you were the first, now you come without words
Like it was normal, and you think you’re really special
But now I’m waiting for…

I’m waiting for someone! Who? But it’s not you
I’m waiting for, I’m waiting for someone! Who? But it’s not you
But I’m waiting for, I’m waiting for someone! Who? But it’s not you
When you come running back
My love goes out
And when love is all, me I’m alone
But I’m not waiting for you.

I wish you’re waiting for me
To feel the real pain
I wish you’re just waiting for love
You’re NOT big NOT clever at all.
I’m not waiting for you.
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Auteurs: Chloé BAREL, SLIIMY, FEED

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