paroles de chanson / Solitude Is Bliss parole / Luke lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Luke

Interprète Solitude Is Bliss

Paroles de la chanson Luke par Solitude Is Bliss lyrics officiel

Luke est une chanson en Thaï

Luke I'm afraid
I have fears and anger with my life
Look this is hell
I don't know how to climb up to light

Please help me help me
When Lorazepam is doesn't work
But somehow I know
You are too far away from here

Are you insane to blame anyone who's sad
Are you in vain to blame anyone who's mad
I got some cash just a tad
Try to survive in the material world (material world)
To keep on living with love (with love)

Look this is hell
I don't know how to climb up to light oh

Please help me help means
When Lorazepam is doesn't work
But somehow
You are too far away from here

Are you insane to blame anyone who's sad
Are you in vain to blame anyone who's mad
I got some cash just a tad
Try to survive in the material world (material world)
To keep on living with love (with love)

Pa pa pa (doo doo doo)
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