paroles de chanson / Solitude Is Bliss parole / Out of Safe Zone lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Out of Safe Zone

Interprète Solitude Is Bliss

Paroles de la chanson Out of Safe Zone par Solitude Is Bliss lyrics officiel

Out of Safe Zone est une chanson en Thaï

Sorry I had to let it before
We're gonna sing you something mean more
Sorry I had to let it before
We're gonna sing you something mean more

I didn't play by myself for this
Took me and get out of here
I have endured for many years
Took me and get out of here

I've been through many winters
Now I'm made to go alone
I've been through many winters
Now I am out of safe zone

No more you have this is my own song
Holding me a hand made me maybe I need seat
Take me and get out of here
Take me and get out of here

I've been through many winters
Now I'm readt to roam alone
I've been through many winters
Now I am out of safe zone

I've been through many winters
Now I'm made to roam alone
I've been through many winters
Now I am out of safe zone
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