paroles de chanson / Solitude Is Bliss parole / Propellerhead lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Propellerhead

Interprète Solitude Is Bliss

Paroles de la chanson Propellerhead par Solitude Is Bliss lyrics officiel

Propellerhead est une chanson en Anglais

I'm not a jet, I am a propellerhead,
I don't wait, but not as fast,
Flying smooth and slightly turned.

Diverse dudes seem to overtake,
Don't let them make you doubt your magnificent move.

Pull up! to roll down again,
Cut through a big cloud,
See how I deal with thunder.
I'm pleased to touch the Sunbeam,
Although the engine screamed
Running out of fuel.

I'm not a jet, I am a propellerhead,
I don't wait, but not as fast,
Flying smooth and slightly turned.

Diverse dudes seem to overtake,
Don't let them make you doubt your magnificent move.

Pull up! to roll down again,
Cut through a big cloud,
See how I deal with thunder.
I'm pleased to touch the Sunbeam,
Although the engine screamed
Running out of fuel.
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