paroles de chanson / Solitude Is Bliss parole / Rich Man's War Poor Man's Blood lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Rich Man's War Poor Man's Blood

Interprète Solitude Is Bliss

Paroles de la chanson Rich Man's War Poor Man's Blood par Solitude Is Bliss lyrics officiel

Rich Man's War Poor Man's Blood est une chanson en Thaï

Forty two minute has past
There's nothing has change
Scrolling up or down
Our timelines remain the same

A young boy was raised in slum
Lack of education
Clean water
The officer has fun

His mama is obsessed with those jewelry
His daddy is old and incompetent

What what what
There's poor man's blood flooding
In the rich man's war
There's poor man's blood flooding
In the rich man's war

There's poor man's blood flooding
In the rich man's war.
There's poor man's blood flooding
In the rich man's war

There's poor man's blood flooding
In the rich man's war
There's poor man's blood flooding
In the rich man's war

He told himself he has to flee from hear
Don't be worry cause we'll flee from fears
Don't be worry cause we'll flee from fears
Don't be worry cause we'll free from fears someday
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