paroles de chanson / Supertramp parole / Maybe I'm a Beggar lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Maybe I'm a Beggar

Interprète Supertramp

Paroles de la chanson Maybe I'm a Beggar par Supertramp lyrics officiel

Maybe I'm a Beggar est une chanson en Anglais

I ain't got too much money, I ain't got too much sins
Long ago I had a dream but that's no recompense
My father was a blind man, my brother was a fool
My mother told me "God is love"
But hatred makes the rules

Teach me to fly
So I shan't drag my feet in the sand
Give me the sky
I would take the whole world in my hand

World, don't you tell me
I cannot last forever
Before you know I'll come and go
And make you if I can

Maybe I'm a beggar, just check your sympathy
They throw away their gentle love
And keep their pain for me

Can we be free, in a world where to love is to own?
Well when will we see, that a man must face life all alone?

Maybe I'm a beggar, just check your sympathy
They throw away their gentle love
and keep their pain for me

Teach me to fly
So I shan't drag my feet in the sand
Give me the sky
I would take the whole world in my hand

Can we be free, in a world where to love is to own?
Well when will we see, that a man must face life all alone?
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Copyright: Universal Music Publishing Group

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