paroles de chanson / Supertramp parole / Nothing to Show lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Nothing to Show

Interprète Supertramp

Paroles de la chanson Nothing to Show par Supertramp lyrics officiel

Nothing to Show est une chanson en Anglais

Nothing to show beyond the fear I had
Body so warm within his perfumed bed
Sleeping alone, the shadow of a man
He will entice you too, and if he can
Nothing to show for love has never been
Nothing to show for love has never been
Nothing to show for love has never been

Nothing is handed, power is changing fast
Many the empty hopes his lips caress
Sorry to say his days are spent in vain
Chasing a dream of doom of nights in pain
Nothing to show for love has never been
Nothing to show for love has never been
Nothing to show for love has never been

Shadowy nights of memories of the grave
Gentle my love and sweetness sometimes sick
Keep up his time while his crimes are known
Only a fool can see he's sold his love
Nothing to show for love has never been
Nothing to show for love has never been
Nothing to show for love has never been

Nothing to show for love has never been
Nothing to show for love has never been
Nothing to show for love has never been
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Copyright: Universal Music Publishing Group

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