paroles de chanson / Sylver parole / I Hate You Now lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de I Hate You Now

Interprète Sylver

Paroles de la chanson I Hate You Now par Sylver lyrics officiel

I Hate You Now est une chanson en Anglais

Such a perfect day
I swept you from my heart
It's such a perfect day
I take a brand new start

You broke my heart
and you crushed my soul
You pulled me close
then you let me go

I hate you now and it feels so good
I hate you now never thought I would
Hate you now, Hate you now,
I hate you now, God I hate you now

I hate you now and it feels so good
I hate you now never thought I would
Hate you now, Hate you now,
I hate you now, God I hate you now

I don't know who you are
your whole love was a lie
I don't know who you are
you killed me from inside

You broke my heart
and you crushed my soul
You pulled me close
then you let me go

I hate you now and it feels so good
I hate you now never thought I would
Hate you now, Hate you now,
I hate you now, God I hate you now

I hate you now and it feels so good
I hate you now never thought I would
Hate you now, Hate you now,
I hate you now, God I hate you now

Tonight I'm gonna let you die
Cuz everything you said, was a fucking lie

I hate you now and it feels so good
I hate you now never thought I would
Hate you now, Hate you now,
I hate you now, God I hate you now

I hate you now and it feels so good
I hate you now never thought I would
Hate you now, Hate you now,
I hate you now, God I hate you now

I hate you now!
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