paroles de chanson / The AsidorS parole / My Life Is in Your Hand lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de My Life Is in Your Hand

Interprète The AsidorS

Paroles de la chanson My Life Is in Your Hand par The AsidorS lyrics officiel

My Life Is in Your Hand est une chanson en Tagalog

Life can be so good
Life can be so hard
Never knowing what each day
Will bring to where you are

Sometimes I forget
And sometimes I can't see
That whatever comes my way
You'll be with me

My life is in your hands
My heart is in your keeping
I'm never without hope
Not when my future is with you

My life is in your hands
And though I may not see
Clearly I will lift my voice and sing
Cause your love does amazing things
Lord I know my life is in your hands

Nothing is for sure
Nothing is for keeps
All I know is that your love
Will live eternally

So I will find my way
And I will find my peace
Knowing that you'll meet my every need

My life is in your hands
My heart is in your keeping
I'm never without hope
Not when my future is with you

My life is in your hands
And though I may not see
Clearly I will lift my voice and sing
Cause your love does amazing things
Lord I know my life is in your hands

When I'm at my weakest Lord
You carry me
Then I become my strongest Lord
In your hands

My life is in your hands
My heart is in your keeping
I'm never without hope
Not when my future is with you

My life is in your hands
And though I may not see
Clearly I will lift my voice and sing
Cause your love does amazing things
Lord I know my life is in your hands

I trust you Lord
My life is in your hands
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