paroles de chanson / The White Stripes parole / Death Letter lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Death Letter

Interprète The White Stripes

Paroles de la chanson Death Letter par The White Stripes lyrics officiel

Death Letter est une chanson en Anglais

I got a letter this morning
What do you reckon it read?
It said the gal you love is dead
I got a letter this morning
What do you reckon it read?

Said "Hurry, Hurry because the gal you love is dead"
Well I packed up my suitcase
I took off down the road
When I got there she was layin' on the cooling board
I packed up my suitcase
And I took off down the road
When I got there she was layin' on the cooling board

It looked like ten thousand people standing around the burial ground
I didn't know I loved her 'till they began to let her down
Looked like ten thousand people standing on the burial ground
I didn't know that I loved her 'till they began to let her down

You know it's so hard to love
Someone that don't love you
Won't get satisfaction
Don't care what you do
So hard to love
Someone that don't love you

Don't look like satisfaction
Don't care what you do

Well I got up this morning
The break of day
Just hugging the pillows
She used to lay

Got up this morning
The break of day
Just hugging the pillows
Where my baby used to lay
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Copyright: BMG Rights Management

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