paroles de chanson / Timbaland parole / Back Together lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Back Together

Interprète Timbaland

Paroles de la chanson Back Together par Timbaland lyrics officiel

Back Together est une chanson en Anglais

Timbaland verse 1:

Girl, Let me bring your body back up to date..
I like what you got, but not in '08..
See something's wrong with your love machine..
So let me tighten up your fluids - fluids..

I know i'm the one to smash you up..
I did it before n it's makin it work..
You know I know what to do with them parts..
So let me put them back together - gether.. [c'mon]

Chorus (James Faunleroy):

We gotta put it back together..
It never stays smashed forever..
[But were do you start with so many parts..
Always try to put it back together..

You can try.. Take your time..
You'll get it back the way you had in mind..
We gotta put it back together..
even if it takes forever.

Timbaland second verse:

I know you don't mind if I take my time..
Im under your hood the rest of the night..
I don't even need directions from you..
But i'm gonna get an erection from you..

You're lookin so ready im almost done..
You got every part you need, 'cept for one more..
You missin the piece I got it on me..
Now let's emerge together - gether..

Chorus (James Faunleroy):

We gotta put it back together..
It never stays smashed forever..
But were do you start with so many parts..
Always try to put it back together..

You can try.. Take your time..
You'll get it back the way you had in mind..
We gotta put it back together..
even if it takes forever.

( Instrumental break )

Chorus x1
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