paroles de chanson / Ty Myers parole / Tin Roof Talks lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Tin Roof Talks

Interprète Ty Myers

Paroles de la chanson Tin Roof Talks par Ty Myers lyrics officiel

Tin Roof Talks est une chanson en Anglais

On the couch watching TV
When the weatherman came on my screen
He said looks like rain today
So i picked up the phone and I called your place Before a word came out of my mouth
She said I'm getting ready i'll be over in an hour
She knows what happens when the Tin roof talks while an old love song
Plays on the radio
cs i watch you dance around
With your hair hanging down
Singing words to a song she didn't know before tonight and all the lights are turned way down low
cnd i love the way my shirt looks on you
But it won't be on for long
Cause that's what happens when the tin roof talks
Don't know bout you but when the clouds move in and make their way down to austin
Cant help but get that kinda feeling again
Cause the rain and your dress start falling and even on a sunny day
I find myself praying for rain
I love what happens when the Tin roof talks while an old love song
Plays on the radio
cs i watch you dance around
With your hair hanging down
Singing words to a song she didn't know before tonight and all the lights are turned way down low
cnd i love the way my shirt looks on you
But it won't be on for long
Cause that's what happens when the tin roof talks
That's what happens when the tin roof talks
Yeah that's what happens when the Tin roof talks while an old love song
Plays on the radio
cs i watch you dance around
With your hair hanging down
Singing words to a song she didn't know before tonight
cnd all the lights are turned way down low
cnd i love the way my shirt looks on you
But it won't be on for long
Cause that's what happens when the tin roof talks
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