paroles de chanson / We Shot The Moon parole / Canddles lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Canddles

Interprète We Shot The Moon

Paroles de la chanson Canddles par We Shot The Moon lyrics

Canddles est une chanson en Anglais

I'll blow the candles out
Wish for a different life.
We'll say familiar words(?)
And feel the weight of time.

Lay your body, down to rest.
And blow the candles out
Wish for a different life.
Keep on crawlin'.

Here's to another year
That came and passed on by.
And left you jealous here(?)
Because your wings wouldn't fly.(?)

It's closing fast, It's closing fast.
Here's to another year
And to the same old fears.

But you were my sunshine.
You were my sunshine.
You were my sunshine, it's so good to see you.

Keep on crawlin'.
Keep on crawlin'.

Blow the candles out
Wish for a different life.
I'll blow the candles out
Wish for a different life.

But you were my sunshine.
You were my sunshine.
You were my sunshine, it's soo good to see you.

You make it alright
Cause you were my sunshine.
You were my sunshine, it's so good to see you.

Keep on crawlin'.
Keep on crawlin'.
Crédits parole :
paroles ajoutées par oxoribis96

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