paroles de chanson / Yodelice parole / Breathe In lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Breathe In

Interprète Yodelice

Paroles de la chanson Breathe In par Yodelice lyrics

Breathe In est une chanson en Anglais

Smoke mist and steam
Rain drops kissing the streets,
The heat
Memory loss and
Timeless clocks I'll lay down
Drain the strain
On the ground
Breathe in and breathe out (x3)
The load on my chest
Thirsty for unconsciousness
Melts away
In the rain
Breathe in and breathe out (3)
Cooling off, like
Drenching this slice of life
It's raining,
No pain
Breathe in and breathe out (x3)
Crédits parole :
paroles ajoutées par Chris_Skins

Commentaires sur les paroles de Breathe In

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