paroles de chanson / Yodelice parole / Insanity lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Insanity

Interprète Yodelice

Paroles de la chanson Insanity par Yodelice lyrics officiel

Insanity est une chanson en Anglais

Bring me back my castle in the sand
When the stars were my only land
The sun had my respect, the sea had my love
One more for the road, two for the sake of it
Three is a wasted crowd, I'll drink to being in the fool
Four you and me, five am I still alive
Six o'clock time to weep, I'll drink to being in the creep

Bring me back my angels in the dark
Singing to the pounding of my heart
The sky had my respect, the sea had my love
One more for the road, two for the sake of it
Three is a wasted crowd, I'll drink to being in the fool
Four you and me, five am I still alive
Six o'clock time to weep, I'll drink to insanity, insanity...
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