paroles de chanson / Yodelice parole / New Day Coming lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de New Day Coming

Interprète Yodelice

Paroles de la chanson New Day Coming par Yodelice lyrics officiel

New Day Coming est une chanson en Anglais

Black and blue but I don’t really care
It’s a bruise that will vanish in the air
I see you light and lost in love again
Who will you call when you just need a friend?
New day is comin’ now
New day is comin’ now
All the things you left undone
They go down with the sun
Pitch dark midnight T.V. zombie state
Making plans for your great escape
Climbing stairs until you reach the top
The top get further the stepping never stops
New day is comin’ now
New day is comin’ now
All the things you left undone
They go down with the sun
New day is comin’ now
New day is comin’ now
All the things you left undone
They go down with the sun
New day is comin’ now
New day is comin’ now
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