paroles de chanson / 허각 parole / traduction To Heaven (천국으로 보낸 편지)  | ENin English

Traduction To Heaven (천국으로 보낸 편지) en Anglais

Interprète 허각

Traduction de la chanson To Heaven (천국으로 보낸 편지) par 허각 officiel

To Heaven (천국으로 보낸 편지) : traduction de Coréen vers Anglais

Are you okay? How are you doing?
You're not crying again because I'm not there, are you?
You used to visit me in my dreams every day and chatter away
Why can't I see you these days

Did something happen by any chance
Have you gone so far that you can't come to me?
I seem to be doing well without you
You're just playing a prank because you're sulking, right?

When it rains, I worry if you're hiding behind the clouds
Worried that you might be crying
Please don't do this, just because I can't see you
You know well that I'm not someone who can easily forget you

In case you're worried that I might struggle without you
So that I can meet another love that's not you
If you've left your place empty for that
That place can only be filled with despair

Don't feel sorry, even if you've gone far away
Your image is still full inside me just like before
It won't take that long
The day we meet again in a place without goodbyes

Until then, please wait for me just a little longer
Droits traduction : traduction officielle en Anglais sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction interdite sans autorisation.
Copyright: Universal Music Publishing Group

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