paroles de chanson / Anthony parole / traduction Solo infatuazione  | ENin English

Traduction Solo infatuazione en Anglais

Interprète Anthony

Traduction de la chanson Solo infatuazione par Anthony officiel

Solo infatuazione : traduction de Italien vers Anglais

What are you doing?
Oh, you know he's already in love
What are you doing? You're kissing him
If you continue, you'll fall in love
What are you doing?
When he tells you he only loves her
Then you'll cry, you won't see it, you won't sleep at night
Don't believe the words he tells you
You're falling into his trap

It's only infatuation, he's not in love with you
It's his usual game, a bit of you and a bit of her
Don't give him your heart, you'll regret it later
When you fall in love, and you can't forget him
Come on, take a step back, don't let him come and get you
He can only give you an hour, then he has to take you home
He can't give you more, how stupid you are
If in his heart, only she lives

You can't do it
This story will only hurt you, you can't do more
This love can never rise
He loves her, you'll be his in the free time he has
Stop, what are you doing?
Don't let this fool deceive you
You'll be his for a short time
And then it will end, he loves his her and can't leave her

It's only infatuation, he's not in love with you
It's his usual game, a bit of you and a bit of her
Don't give him your heart, you'll regret it later
When you fall in love, and you can't forget him
Come on, take a step back, don't let him come and get you
He can only give you an hour, then he has to take you home
He can't give you more, how stupid you are
If in his heart, only she lives

(It's only infatuation, he's not in love with you)
(It's his usual game, a bit of you and a bit of her)
(Don't give him your heart, you'll regret it later)
(When you fall in love, and you can't forget him)
Come on, take a step back, don't let him come and get you
He can only give you an hour, then he has to take you home
He can't give you more, how stupid you are
If in his heart, only she lives

(It's only infatuation, he's not in love with you)
(It's his usual game, a bit of you and a bit of her)
(Don't give him your heart, you'll regret it later)
(When you fall in love, and you can't forget him)
(It's only infatuation, he's not in love with you)
(It's his usual game, a bit of you and a bit of her)
(Don't give him your heart, you'll regret it later)
(When you fall in love, and you can't forget him)
(It's only infatuation, he's not in love with you)
Droits traduction : traduction officielle en Anglais sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction interdite sans autorisation.

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