paroles de chanson / Casa Worship parole / traduction O Céu É O Meu Lugar  | ENin English

Traduction O Céu É O Meu Lugar en Anglais

Interprète Casa Worship

Traduction de la chanson O Céu É O Meu Lugar par Casa Worship officiel

O Céu É O Meu Lugar : traduction de Portugais vers Anglais

I'm just passing through here
And this is not my place
God prepared for me
A new home
A new home
Heaven is my place
Heaven is my place
Up there, go go
Heaven is my place
And that's where I'm going
And that's where I'm going
One, two, three, go

Lift your foot off the ground, go

I'm just passing through here
And this is not my place (God prepared)
God prepared for me (what?)
A new home
A new home (heaven)

Heaven is my place
Heaven is my place
Heaven is my place (and it is)
And that's where I'm going
And that's where I'm going

Go, go, go

And leaving the things that were left behind
I press on towards the goal
My target is Christ
My target is him
For the love of God
If you are not from this earth
If Heaven is your place
If you are a resident there
Raise your hand
Up there, go
Lift your foot off the ground, go, go go

Heaven is my place
(Go) heaven is my place
Heaven is my place
And that's where I'm going
And that's where I'm going

Thanks DJ PV
Droits traduction : traduction officielle en Anglais sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction interdite sans autorisation.

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